Julia has found a new way to communicate: talk with sentences.
It all started last Thursday afternoon, on the flight from Maryland to Nebraska. Our seats on the plane gave us a good view of the wings. Julia would look out the window and say, "airplane." I responded by repeating the word, "airplane," and I would add some other comments. With about 20 minutes left before landing in Omaha, Julia said, "Up in airplane." I was shocked that she strung three words together to make a complete thought, and I repeated her words back to her and gave her a kiss.
Since then, Julia has learned to tattle on Evelyn. I was in another room when I heard a thud, followed by Julia crying. I hurried to the scene of the crime, the living room. I picked up Julia and asked her what happened. Her response was, "Evelyn push." Made that mystery fairly easy to solve.
Some other new Julia sentences are:
"Where is Grandpa?"
"Cheese, pretty please!"
"Where did bunny go?"
"Grandma's chair."
"Yogurt all gone."
"Coat on."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Posted by V at 7:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
One of Evelyn's Christmas presents this year was a (purple!) sled from Uncle Matt and Aunt Taylor. This afternoon, Evelyn took her new sled out for its maiden voyage with Matt and Troy. We went across the street from Troy's parents' house to the third tee box of the Fontenelle Hills golf course. A gentle slope in an open area there lends itself to rookie sledders. On Evelyn's first run, she went much farther than she wanted to - she doesn't weigh much, so the sled just kept skidding on top of the 12 inches of fresh, powdery snow.

Posted by V at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: snow
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009
First of all, we arrived in Nebraska just ahead of a blizzard. We got in yesterday afternoon, and it has been snowy and windy ever since. Our original holiday plans were cancelled (we couldn't make the drive to Holdrege), so we hunkered down at Troy's parents' house and made the best of it.
Now, on to the Christmas festivities! Julia found an Elmo phone from Santa this morning. The picture below needs no explanation: Santa came through for our Peanut this year. Evelyn got the number one thing on her wish list - a CSX train set on the HO scale, as she puts it. This is her first real model train set, made by the Atlas Trainman company. Uncle Eric had a hand in helping Evelyn request just the right kind of train set, and he did a fantastic job. Evelyn's set came with a locomotive, three freight cars and a caboose. It has a power pack that controls the direction and speed of the train. Over the course of the day, Evelyn rearranged the order of the freight trains several times, and she ran it around and around and around the track. The look on her face in the picture below says it all.
Posted by V at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Day After the Big Snow
Just as we thought, when the snow was done falling, we ended up with a total of 21 inches. This morning I snapped some pictures from the second floor windows. Here's what the furniture on our deck looked like:The snow blanketed our two cars. Troy's car was completely buried - you couldn't see any parts of the car.
Posted by V at 5:29 PM 1 comments
Labels: snow
Saturday, December 19, 2009
East Coast Snow Storm
We've only had three small snowfalls (less than five inches) in the two years that we have lived in Maryland. This weekend's forecast said that we would have a record-setting snow storm this weekend. When we woke up this morning, seven inches of snow was already on the ground, and it was supposed to snow all day.
By about 2:00 in the afternoon, the snow was 16 inches deep. The forecasters' estimate of 20-24 total inches of snow seemed to be fairly accurate.
Posted by V at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: snow
Friday, December 18, 2009
TV Time
Julia is a baby on the go, we all know that. When she has her mind made up about a play scheme, nothing can stop her. Julia also has no patience for TV. When the TV is on, she might glance at the screen for the slightest moment, but then she's back to her imaginary play-world.
Unless! Shaun the Sheep is on the television. If this claymation feature is on the screen, Julia will actually sit down on the couch or floor and watch an entire episode. Granted, the episodes are only six or seven minutes long. But Shaun should feel very honored that this little busy-body cares enough about him to stop whatever she is doing and watch him with his goofy farm antics.
Posted by V at 8:31 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Here's a post with numbers that reflect what's been going on lately.
6 - Evelyn's reading level at school. When Evelyn started Kindergarten a little over three months ago, she was on Level 1. The goal for all students is to read at Level 6 by the end of Kindergarten. We're not quite half-way through the school year, and Evelyn has already achieved that goal! Level 6 books have about three sentences per page, with about 40-50 different words throughout the book. We are very proud of our little reader.
3.1 - Miles I walked today. I logged my usual 1.6 miles by walking to and from school twice, and then I put in another 1.5 miles on the treadmill. On days that I both walk Evelyn to/from school and work out at the gym, I aim for 3 miles for the day.
11 - Pieces of fudge left in the house. We started with 48 pieces of fudge last week, with Troy saying he didn't want any this year. Well, it turns out Troy did want fudge this year, as he has been helping me eat it! We have also made sugar cookies, Russian tea cakes (also known as snowball cookies), cream wafers and peanut butter bon bons. Everyone (but Julia) contributed to the Christmas goodies wish list, and I/we filled everyone's requests.
45 - Length (in minutes) of Julia's story time this morning, which is longer than usual. And she was a good little toddler the whole time! This is a record for a structured activity for our girl-on-the-go. She has two story times per month, and she has caught on to the routine and expectations of this activity. When I first exposed Julia to this activity in September, I never would have thought she could make it through an extended story time.
Posted by V at 6:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Cookies
I had two sous-chefs join me in the kitchen for this year's sugar cookie event. Whenever Evelyn is on her stool, helping me cook or bake at the kitchen counter, Julia insists on joining us. Since Troy was gone this afternoon, he wouldn't be able to see the mess that evolves from baking cookies with a 5-year-old and a 19-month-old. I found an extra stool for Julia to stand on, put on a little Mannheim Steamroller music and let the good times roll!Evelyn used the regular-sized rolling pin to roll out the cookie dough, and Julia used her pint-sized rolling pin to push flour around the counter (and onto the floor). By the expressions on their faces in the picture below, you can totally tell who's in it to make cookies and who's there to have a good time.
Posted by V at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Too Much Paper!
Whenever I get a package from Pampered Chef, we are inundated with brown packing paper. Today, I received three boxes, which resulted in a plethora of paper. Now, while I complain about the ridiculous amount of packing material, Rosie simply loves it. Crumpled paper makes for hours of kitten fun! We'll see how long Rosie's new "toy" sticks around . . .
Posted by V at 6:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Trains and Santa
Following last year's tradition, we decided to visit Santa at a train museum. This year, we went to Baltimore to take in all the Christmas-themed railroading sights and sounds.
One of the first things we did was go on a train ride with Santa. It was the usual 25-minute trip from the museum's station and back, with jolly ol' Saint Nick aboard. Evelyn was overjoyed to see Santa . . . and Julia kept her distance.However, while on the train ride, Julia did find something that she liked: candy canes. Troy helped her eat the goodie given to her by Santa's elf, and she loved it!
Posted by V at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Trimming the Tree
We set up the tree yesterday, but we didn't put any decorations on it until today. We wanted to see what kind of response we would get from both Julia and Rosie. Sure enough, Rosie wanted to chew on the (fake) branches and climb up the middle of the tree. However, a few squirts of water from a spray bottle seem to have disuaded her.
Evelyn helped hang the ornaments on the tree, and she did a pretty decent job of spacing them out. Julia did a pretty good job of playing with the ornament boxes . . . and taking the ornaments off of the tree. I have a feeling this might be a recurring thing (removal of the decorations), but we'll see.
Posted by V at 9:17 PM 0 comments