Julia the blue fairy . . .. . . and Evelyn the purple fairy . . .
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Trick or Treat!
Posted by V at 9:49 PM 1 comments
Pumpkin Carving 2010
Evelyn picked out her 16-pound beauty a couple of weeks ago, and today was the day to carve it. Looking at the web of seeds and pumpkin strings never ceases to amaze Evelyn. But she always lets me do the dirty work and scoop it all out.
Posted by V at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad
Today's sight-seeing adventure found us in Allegany County, Maryland, home of the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad. We had reservations for the 11:30 train ride, which was right on time. We boarded our train in Cumberland, found some seats on the right-hand side of the train, and enjoyed the fall foliage along the 16-mile train ride up to Frostburg (while eating our sack lunches). Once in Frostburg, we had a chance to admire the 2-8-0 steam engine, Mountain Thunder, up close. Look how small Evelyn is, standing next to this 1916 locomotive!

Posted by V at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
1st Grade Halloween Party
This year's Halloween class party consisted of the usual activities: a parade around the school (the brisk weather forced our Evelyn-fairy into a jacket), yummy snacks, four different stations with crafts and games, and reading Halloween picture books. Evelyn's favorite part of the shin-dig? All four activity stations.Here she is, about to dig into her snack.
Posted by V at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Favorite Picture
I snapped the best picture of Julia tonight. She was helping me assemble a lasagna, and I was trying to convince her to smile. Somehow I got lucky and captured this sweet, genuine smile. At the moment, this is my favorite picture of Julia.
Posted by V at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Harpers Ferry Railfanning
As we drove to Harpers Ferry this morning, a CSX freight train was on the tracks next to the highway. That was just the beginning of our railfanning for the day.
Right before we ate lunch, the Amtrak made a stop at the Harpers Ferry station to let passengers off. That was train number two.
We heard the third train's horns after we had finished walking across the pedestrian bridge. Not wanting to miss seeing a train, Evelyn and I hurried back up to the bridge. Turns out we didn't need to rush. This loaded coal train had stop on the bridge and wait for another train to come through the tunnel. By the time the fourth train (an empty coal train) came through the tunnel, we had hiked up a hill to see the town church. We had a perfect view of the train activity from up there.
Posted by V at 9:49 PM 1 comments
Harpers Ferry Hiking
Today's sight-seeing excursion took us to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. We hoped to do some hiking, grab lunch in town and learn some history. As luck would have it, we accomplished all three.
After arriving at the National Historic Park visitor's center and learning a little more about the area, we hiked along the Virginius Island trail. The first thing we saw on our hike was the remains of a pulp mill. This mill was in operation until 1936, which explains why the walls for all five sluiceways are still standing. Evelyn is such the thrill-seeker, she wanted to stand in this doorway; we wouldn't let her, since there was about a 25-foot drop to the canal below.The trail is no longer on an island - you know how rivers have a way of changing over the years - but we did get up close and personal with the Shenandoah River. Evelyn found several freshwater clam shells along the shore, and she also enjoyed floating leaves in the water.
Posted by V at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
From 24 Pieces to 3
I have pared down the number of pieces for Julia's costume from 24 to 3. I basically have two steps left - sew the skirt sections to the bodice and insert elastic around the waist. Julia's blue fairy costume is nearly complete.
Posted by V at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Rosie's Checkup
Rosie had a checkup with her vet this afternoon, and she passed with flying colors. At (approximately) one year and four months of age, Rosie is as tall/long as she will get. Now, we just have to keep her at her good weight of 8 1/2 pounds. She eats three ounces of canned food and about 1/3 cup of dry food every day, which the vet said is a good amount to maintain her healthy weight. Chasing the girls around the house should keep her trim, too.
Posted by V at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Steam Days 2010
Evelyn lost her third tooth at Kat and Ross's house this morning! She had bumped her chin with her knee while putting on socks, and her top middle-left tooth fell right out. She is so excited for the tooth fairy to pay her a visit tonight.
After all that excitement, we girls headed to Baltimore to go to "Steam Days" at the B&O Railroad Museum. The star of the show is #25, the William Mason. It's one of Evelyn's favorite locomotives at the museum, and she is so happy that he gets to come out of the roundhouse to ride the rails once a year. Oh, and are steamies loud? Judging by this picture, I would say yes. We watched the two steam engines depart at 12:00 (the #4 St. Elizabeth was the coal-burning tank engine that hauled the coach cars). Then we headed to over to the Trackside Snax shop for lunch. We got back to the loading platform in time to go on the 1:00 train ride. Julia thoroughly enjoyed the train ride, especially with the added bonus of watching the William Mason ride alongside us for a little bit.
Posted by V at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Morning Story Time
Even though we had to get ready for school this morning, the girls still managed to find time to read a book together. Evelyn read this book flawlessly, and Julia hung on every word.
Later today, I found Julia leafing through the book. She was re-telling the story, using the names of the characters and describing what was happening on each page. Not too shabby for a two-and-a-half-year-old.
Posted by V at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Next Costume Puzzle
Here are the puzzle pieces for Julia's blue fairy costume. She is so excited that I am working on her costume, now. She keeps telling me to hold up different pieces to her, and then she asks, "What is it?" Since the girls' costumes are similar, and Evelyn's is (mostly) complete, I'm hoping the assembly of this one will go quickly and smoothly.
Posted by V at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
On the Home Stretch
The majority of Evelyn's costume is finished - which means the dress is complete. Now all that needs to be sewn is the belt. We're nearly there!
Posted by V at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Butler's Orchard 2010
In staying with tradition, we went to Butler's Orchard for their fall festivities this morning. It was a beautiful day - sunny and warm - and perfect for enjoying all of their outdoor activities. We got there right when they opened at 10:00 and promptly hopped on the tractor-pulled hay-rack ride that took us to the pumpkin patch. So many pumpkins to choose from! Evelyn fell in love with just about every pumpkin she saw.
Posted by V at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Warm Fuzzy
While folding laundry in our bedroom, I heard thumping on the washing machine. I figured Julia was putting toys on top of the closed lid. Nope - it was Rosie scrambling to get up into the warm dryer. She's all nice and toasty in there.
Posted by V at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
1st Grade Math Homework
I expected the first-grade curriculum to be more difficult than Kindergarten, but I didn't think I would see algebra this early in the year. This was Evelyn's Math homework today. Evelyn read the problem on her own, and then she solved it without any help at all. We're so proud of her!
Posted by V at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sleeping on the Job
After pinning the skirt to the bodice of Evelyn's fairy costume, I set it down on the back of the couch. Always on the lookout for a soft spot, Rosie promptly curled up for a cat nap. She's such a big help . . .
Posted by V at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Troy's Birthday
We presented Troy's birthday cake this afternoon, and it seemed to be a big hit with everyone. Troy and the girls pretended to grab the football cake . . . Then we sang the "Happy Birthday" song and dug into the cake.
Posted by V at 9:23 PM 1 comments