Live * Laugh * Love
Posted by V at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Posted by V at 8:55 PM 0 comments
While driving from Denver to Holdrege today, we made a pit-stop in North Platte, Nebraska. Why? That's where the biggest train yard in the WORLD is located. Union Pacific's Bailey Yard has over 10,000 rail cars roll through each day. It is also the spot where their locomotives are maintained and repaired. Were the girls excited to visit this train yard? Absolutely! We spent almost an hour on the 7th-floor outdoor observation deck.
Posted by V at 9:28 PM 1 comments
As per both Evelyn's and my brother's requests, Evelyn brought her CSX model train locomotive allllll the way from Maryland to run on Eric's track in Colorado. He quickly programmed his decoder to work with Evelyn's train, and just like that, she could control her train's speed and direction with the remote control.Evelyn put together her freight train, including a second (Norfolk Southern) locomotive on the front. As you can imagine, all Evelyn wanted to do at Eric's house was run trains - his model takes up the entire basement with I-don't-know-how-many feet of track for the hundreds of cars he owns. Evelyn was in train heaven!
Posted by V at 9:19 PM 1 comments
After a busy day running around the Rocky Mountains, we girls took in a Colorado Rockies baseball game this evening. Julia didn't have a clue why the crowd was cheering and clapping, but she joined in anyway. Evelyn did understand the game, and she rooted for the home team. Snacking on peanuts was an added bonus for her. After we left the game (in the 7th inning, since the girls were so tired), Julia kept talking about how she couldn't wait to see another baseball game. We'll have to check the Nationals' schedule when we get home...
Posted by V at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Last night we stayed in a rustic little cabin by the Fall River. Evelyn's first reaction was, "I don't like this place." But once she got over the outdated furniture and realized how nature-y it was, she really liked it. One of my favorite things about our cabin was the picnic table. Julia spilled her juice, but no biggie. We girls dropped donut crumbs all over the place, but, again, no big deal. (By the way - the "Donut Haus" in Estes Park makes awesome donuts!)
After attending a very informative puppet show (about the pine beetle), we girls caught the tail-end of a ranger talk about bighorn sheep. Then we began our ascent, stopping now and then for some photo ops. The picture below has the Sheep Lakes area in the valley, with Julia's "Snowy Mountains" (also known as Evelyn's "Rocky Mountains") in the background.
Posted by V at 8:53 PM 1 comments
We got to Rocky Mountains National Park around 10:00 this morning, and we didn't waste any time finding a trail to hike. I chose a short, easy hike (Alluvial Fan) up to a waterfall, and the girls loved climbing on all the rocks around the trail. But what Evelyn was really itchin' to do is play in some snow. So, several stops and over an hour later, I found a legal place to park near a snowy patch and let the girls play.
Posted by V at 8:37 PM 0 comments
The sign says it all: Shortly after arriving in Colorado, we met up with my cousin, Letty, and her four children. We headed over to her in-laws' house for some play time in the pool.
Posted by V at 8:28 PM 1 comments
Whenever visiting my Aunt Leann and Uncle Tim's farm in the summer, Julia and Evelyn find kittens. This time was no different. However, it was SO hot and humid today, I had to limit the girls' outdoor time to 15 minute chunks. When taking their "inside break," they couldn't wait to get back outside to play with the kittens. Since the outdoor lighting was perfect for pictures (6:00 in the evening, the girls were in the shade), I tried my hand at some portrait shots. This one of Julia is an all-time favorite. I was able to capture her genuine smile.
Posted by V at 10:21 PM 0 comments
This afternoon the Bellevue Public Library hosted a lunch-time story time at the Bellevue Fire Department's training facility. Julia donned a little plastic firefighter hat and began exploring. She looked inside and under all the exterior doors of the truck. She checked out the lights ALL around the truck. Then she climbed up inside the cab of the firetruck. I asked Julia if the inside of the firetruck was the same as Mommy's car, and she replied, "Yes!" I'm not sure I completely agree with her on that one...
Posted by V at 8:22 PM 1 comments
We girls went to Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo this morning. Originally we had planned to spend most of the day at the zoo. However, the weather made us change our plans. It isn't much fun to see the outdoor exhibits when it's sunny, hot and humid. So we went to the zoo from 9:00 to 12:30. Here is what we did in three and a half hours:
- Saw all of the outdoor African animal exhibits (gazelles, antelopes, etc.)
- Fed the fish from the bridge
- Watched the sea lions swim laps
- Climbed to the top of "Elephant Hill" to see the rhinos
- Took a round-trip ride on the Skyfari (ski lift)
- Snacked on Goldfish while walking to...
- Bear Canyon
- Rode the Carousel
- Rode the Train
- Walked up a heavy hill to see...
- The Cat House
- Witnessed a female lion (literally) drooling over the prospect of snacking on my girls
- Checked out all the creatures at the indoor aquarium
If you are familiar with the expansive size of Omaha's Zoo, you know we covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time. We also had to pick and choose which exhibits and attractions to see and do today because there was no way we could fit it all in this morning. There's always next time!
Posted by V at 9:17 PM 0 comments
This evening we headed out to the Luster's cabin in Cedar Creek to play at the lake. Evelyn had been looking forward to fishing with Uncle Matt, which got Julia excited for fishing. Naturally, Evelyn had more patience when it came to fishing, but Julia thought it was fun, too. Evelyn caught some blue gill and a small catfish, but she caught more bass than anything else...here she is with her first catch. Like I said, Julia wasn't as patient with fishing as Evelyn, so she decided to go for a swim with Uncle Matt and Grandma Luster. She loved tooling around in the water, as long as someone was holding her. She absolutely refused to put her feet down while in the water.
Posted by V at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Evelyn attended an afternoon day camp at Omaha's Durham Museum this week. The theme was "Storm Warning." She learned about hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning & thunder, and different clouds. On the drive home every day, she would describe the two or three experiments her class did and how the experiments related to weather. Since she is such a weather nut, this day camp was right up her alley. She had a blast!
Posted by V at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Evelyn had a trim at the salon this morning. She only had her ends evened out, as she is growing out her hair to donate (again). Once the stylist was finished with the cut, she asked Evelyn if she wanted her hair curly. Is the sky blue? That's a no-brainer...of course!
Posted by V at 8:16 PM 0 comments
We love all the fun things that come with celebrating the 4th of July in Nebraska, like a cookout. We joined Troy's parents at the Fontenelle Hills neighborhood picnic. What did Julia eat? Even though all the food on her plate is usually Julia-approved, she only ate chips. And she drank Capri Sun.
Posted by V at 10:56 PM 0 comments