Today was sunny and unusually warm - the high was 72 degrees - so we headed over to the "castle" park for some outdoor fun. Julia loved going down the tube slide all by herself, which made her hair all static-y.Evelyn perfected walking across the wiggling ladders. She has been trying to get up the nerve to do this for quite awhile, now, and she was really proud of herself once she finally did it.
One of the favorite "rides" in this park is the circle swing. Julia and Evelyn could have stayed on this swing forever, but all good things must come to an end. After spending nearly two hours at the park, it was time to head home.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Park Play Time
Posted by V at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving Leftovers
Julia really surprised us this evening at supper time. I asked her which kind of casserole she wanted to have, and I listed the three choices (green bean, corn or sweet potato). She asked for corn casserole and ham. Did she just say she also wanted ham?! I put corn casserole and ham on her plate. She ate it all up in record time. We let Julia have a (well-earned) dinner roll, and then she asked for more ham. We couldn't believe it!
Posted by V at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Maryland Science Center
What to do on a Saturday that Evelyn did not have Nutcracker rehearsal? Spend the day at the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore. Our train museum membership is reciprocal with the science museum this month. Since we had heard nothing but good things about the science museum, it only made sense to take advantage of the reciprocal offer.

Posted by V at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 25, 2011
Trimming the Tree
The girls couldn't wait to put up the Christmas tree and decorations, so we got right on that this afternoon. Evelyn did a nice job this year of making sure ornaments were all over the tree, not just in one area.As is to be expected, Evelyn and I had to do a lot of re-do's with Julia's ornament placement. But Julia didn't seem to mind, as long as she could see where her ornaments were.
Here's the ornery little redhead, trying to take an ornament off of the tree...
Once everything was up, the girls went under the tree to get a cat's-eye view. They love looking at the lights and decorations from the floor. I wonder how long they will keep up that tradition?
Posted by V at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Let's Eat!
With all the yummy food out of the oven, and the dinner rolls warmed up (that I baked a few weeks ago, and then kept fresh in the freezer), we were ready to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. I dished up a little bit of everything for Julia, except the raspberry/applesauce Jell-O. What did she eat? Her dinner roll. And she drank her milk. Then she was her obstinate little self and refused to touch anything else on her plate.Evelyn, on the other hand, tried everything on her plate. Her favorites this year were the ham, corn casserole and dinner roll. Oh, Evelyn also devoured her dessert - pumpkin pie.
Posted by V at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Casserole Chefs
It was all-hands-on-deck this evening when making the side dishes for Thanksgiving dinner. Evelyn made her corn casserole completely on her own this year. The only thing she needed help with was opening the cans of corn.When I told Evelyn that she would make her casserole all by herself, she balked at the idea. But once she got going, she realized that she really could do everything by herself...and she was SO proud of her delicious dish.
At the other end of the kitchen, Julia and I got to work on the sweet potato casserole. I set Julia loose with mashing the canned sweet potatoes, and she did really well.
Then we added all the ingredients that make this casserole un-healthy, like eggs, butter, milk and sugar. Oh, and let's not forget the topping - it's almost like a fruit crisp topping, it's so sweet.
Lastly, Troy was in his own corner of the kitchen, mixing up a green bean casserole. With all four of us working on different dishes, we assembled the three casseroles in about 20 minutes. With the ham out of the oven, resting, and the casseroles in the oven, it was almost time for Thanksgiving dinner!
Posted by V at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Baked Ham
The Luster family unanimously voted to have ham for our Thanksgiving feast (instead of turkey). I have made the following ham recipe a couple of times for various holidays, and I figured it's about time I shared the recipe.

Posted by V at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Preschool Thanksgiving Feast
Julia's preschool had their Thanksgiving feast this morning. The class made festive headbands before the feast, but Julia did NOT want to wear it. Somehow, her teacher talked Julia into wearing it on the walk from the classroom to the fellowship hall. And then I was able to convince Julia to keep it on for a picture. But once I took the picture, Julia promptly took off the headband.Last night, Julia and I baked mini corn muffins for the occasion, and other friends brought Jello, applesauce, orange slices, cheese and sugar cookies. The first thing Julia ate was cheese, quickly followed by the cookie. She also took a bite of one of her cornbread muffins.
The last thing she chowed down on was the applesauce. And that was it. The feast was very festive, and I think Julia also enjoyed having a reason to celebrate.
Posted by V at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Pictures from the Park
Recently we've been taking advantage of the warm, dry afternoon weather to go play in the park. Today Uncle Matt joined Julia and Evelyn for some fun in the fall foliage.Julia is always so proud of herself when she climbs to the top of the ladder.
And here's Evelyn, climbing to the top of the spider web. (Julia still needs a little more practice with this one.)
Here's the whole group at the end of a game of hide-and-seek.
Look at this sycamore leaf - it's as big Evelyn's head!
Posted by V at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Chocolate Cupcakes & Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
For years I have been tweaking chocolate cake and frosting recipes, looking for the perfect cupcake combination. I stumbled across a chocolate buttercream frosting recipe the other day, and I decided to try it with my favorite chocolate cake recipe. The cupcakes turned out so well I had to share the recipes.
Posted by V at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 11, 2011
Finally...Another Lost Tooth!
Nine months ago - to the day - Evelyn lost a tooth. And since that day.....nothing. The rest of her teeth had been holding on tight. She had a wiggly tooth, but it just didn't want to come out.
Posted by V at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Neighborhood Critters
Yesterday morning, Evelyn spotted this red-tailed hawk in the forest across the street. We think it's the same one we commonly see in the leafless trees (and pictured on October 27th). You can tell that it was a chilly morning because the bird is all puffed out.And this morning, we spotted this squirrel on our back deck. It was about 34 degrees out, but the sun was shining. This little guy was in a sunny spot, using its tail as a blanket. Julia thought it was cute, while Rosie wanted it to move so she could stalk it.
Posted by V at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Evelyn's Beginning Ballet Class
This is Evelyn's third year taking ballet at Metropolitan Ballet and Theater, which puts her into the "Beginning" ballet class. During today's warm-up, the teacher asked the students to do various standing French. I couldn't believe the progress Evelyn has made so far this year! She has learned several new skills, and the class moves at a faster pace. Now I understand why the studio requires its dancers to be at least seven years old - they need to have all of the basics down-pat, which Evelyn clearly does.
Posted by V at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Julia has seen the word, "boo," in several places lately. Two spots where she frequently sees the word are on the ghost hanging on our front door and at the end of her ghost counting book. I've been pointing out the word on the ghost and in the book to Julia, but I didn't realize it had sunk in until this morning.
Posted by V at 2:40 PM 0 comments