All new floor and railings - safe, secure and splinter-free. We can't wait to get grilling out here!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Deck Before and After
All new floor and railings - safe, secure and splinter-free. We can't wait to get grilling out here!
Posted by V at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2012
First Day of 3rd Grade!
Waiting out front before entering the school's doors for the fourth year in a row . . .
. . . and she's in! Evelyn chose her locker last week when she met her teacher. (Looks like pandemonium in the hallway this morning!)
Getting all settled into her third-grade desk. Here's to another great year at school! (And thank you, Kat, for all you did today!)
Posted by V at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Nosy Rosie
Unable to resist an open box, Rosie squeezed into this one (even though the sink was still in there!).
Posted by V at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 24, 2012
Teacher's Helper
Posted by V at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Almost School-Time
Posted by V at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Silly Girl
Posted by V at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Crooked Smile
Posted by V at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Evelyn the Face Painter
Posted by V at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2012
Last Day at the Beach
Even though it wasn't rainy all day, it was cloudy and cool. Julia and I did not go into the ocean today; we wanted to stay (somewhat) warm and dry.
After supper the clouds broke enough to go for a sunset walk on the beach. I just love the light in the evening and the pictures I get that time of day.
Windy? Yes. But we all enjoyed one last evening stroll on Fenwick Island.
Posted by V at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Fun in the Sand
This morning's weather was picture-perfect. We were on the beach by 9:30 and in the ocean not long after that. Evelyn wanted to be buried and sculpted into a mermaid. Julia and I were happy to oblige, as seen below.
After spending three hours on the beach, we headed inside for lunch. That's when the dark clouds of a thunderstorm developed on the western horizon. That thunderstorm kept us cooped up in the condo for almost three hours this afternoon; we finally headed back outside around 5:00. There was a steady south breeze, making it super-easy to fly our kite. Julia insisted on holding the kite's spool by herself (Little Miss Independence), but I wouldn't let her. Not yet. Her attention span is too short, and she is too quick to become bored with activities and simply walk away...if she did that while flying our kite, it would be looong gone.
Evelyn, on the other hand, I trust. She had fun letting the kite fly higher and higher. But after a few minutes, Evelyn handed the kite over to me. There was such a steady breeze this afternoon/evening that I was able to sit in a beach chair and do absolutely nothing to keep the kite airborne.
Posted by V at 7:17 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Donuts & Waves
Evelyn woke up at 6:30 this morning. Too early? Not at all. That meant we could go to Fractured Prune (in Ocean City) for donuts! We didn't have to wait in line at all, which is a first. We loaded up on 1 1/2 dozen donuts so we would have enough to last us the rest of our vacation.

The next thing I knew, both girls were out in the water with Troy, having a blast. Julia wouldn't let Troy put her down (even though she was wearing her floaty-thing), but we still commended her on being brave enough to go into the ocean.

One last picture of the three wave-jumpers.....can you find Evelyn in this picture?
Posted by V at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Cloudy Beach Day
Even though it was cloudy today, the girls still had fun at the beach. We logged about five hours in the surf and sand today, including splashing in the waves.....
.....splashing in a girl-made puddle (that the ocean kept replenishing).....
.....eating a rainbow snowball with marshmallow topping.....
.....and building all sorts of things in the sand. Tomorrow's forecast calls for more clouds, but that won't keep us away from the beach!
Posted by V at 6:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 6, 2012
In the weeks leading up to our Delaware vacation, all Julia could talk about was Funland. She couldn't wait to go back and ride all the rides. Much to the girls' delight, we made a return-trip to Funland (in Rehoboth Beach) this evening.
Then we quickly made our way to the Free Fall. This was Julia's favorite ride, for the second year in a row. Julia just loves being dropped from several feet in the air - she squealed with delight for the entire ride.
Julia and I rode the teacups while Troy and Evelyn waited in line for the Paratrooper. Their line was so long that, by the time Julia and I were finished spinning on our ride, I made it back to Troy and Evelyn and took a picture.
After the Paratrooper, I talked Evelyn into going through the Haunted House with me. I'm not sure who was more scared, Evelyn or myself. It was one freaky ride! Evelyn and I also went on her favorite ride, the Sea Dragon (aka the Viking boat that swings back and forth). Meanwhile, Julia went on some kiddie rides that Evelyn was too big for, like the cars in the picture below.
Posted by V at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Second Beach Day
Armed with her buckets of water, Julia was ready to take on the second day at the beach!
After making some creations in the shade (where the sand was very dry), Evelyn ventured closer to the shoreline (where the sand was more conducive to building). Julia took a break with Troy, under the rainbow umbrella. Our condo complex, Fenwick Towers, is in the background. Notice the nearly-empty beach in my pictures? That's why we love this place!
The only way Julia would get close to the water is if Troy held her. Meanwhile Evelyn darted in and out of the waves.
After spending nearly three hours on the beach, we went back to the condo for lunch. Since we planned to head back out to the beach after lunch, we dined al fresco (in our swimming suits) on the balcony of our condo. The wind, however, messed with our afternoon plans. The wind gusts were up to 30 mph, making it unbearable to play on the beach. Plan B involved swimming in the pool for a couple of hours, which made everyone happy.
Posted by V at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Fenwick Island 2012
An hour after checking into our condo at Fenwick Towers this afternoon, we were on the beach!
Evelyn couldn't wait to get into the waves with Troy. She jumped over several of them by herself, the brave little girl.
Posted by V at 9:54 PM 0 comments