Evelyn never ceases to amaze us when it comes to swimming. As of today, Evelyn can swim the front crawl stroke the entire length of the pool (without stopping), and she can dive for sunken rings in the 5-foot-deep water. She just keeps adding on to her list of swimming skills.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Silly Bandz
Yes, we have joined the silly bandz craze in our house. Evelyn had seen them at school (before they were banned). Then a friend gave Evelyn about a dozen silly bandz. Next thing we knew, we had a minor explosion of silly bandz in our house, bringing the total number to about 80. Thankfully, the girls usually share and take turns wearing different silly bandz. Well, we certainly have enough silly bandz that they should be able to share! But, whenever the girls can't play nice, Mommy gets to wear them.
Posted by V at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
It was predicted to be so hot today that we headed to the pool in the morning. By the time the pool opened at 10:00, the temperature was already 90 degrees!
Here are the girls doing "Superman" - they stand on a ledge, with their arms up, and then they fall into the water. (Either Troy or I catch Julia.)Julia frequently asks to swim. That means she wants help floating on her tummy while she kicks her legs. Go, baby, go!
Posted by V at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Julia's First Hair Cut
Julia didn't necessarily need a hair cut because her hair was getting too long. She needed a trim to help with the uneven lengths of baby hair that had a way of getting away from her. I wasn't sure how she would handle the whole experience . . . It turns out she did great! Julia didn't fuss or cry once, which is TONS better than how Evelyn's first hair cut went.
Posted by V at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Final Game at Rosenblatt
I started going to baseball games at Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha back in the '70s, when I was a little tyke. I attribute my love of baseball to seeing my first games at Rosenblatt. I have fond memories of attending Omaha Royals games with my parents, and Troy and I went to several College World Series games there. This is the final season Rosenblatt will be around, and I wanted to take advantage of seeing one last game at that beautiful stadium.
Even though the Royals, a minor-league professional baseball team, were out of town, there was an exhibition game at Rosenblatt tonight. We girls headed over there with my parents for the 7:00 game, and we all enjoyed the game. All the pictures below are self-explanatory, but I do want to point out Julia double-fisting bites of funnel cake.
Posted by V at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: baseball
Lunch at the Omaha Press Club
We girls dined atop the First National Bank of Omaha building for lunch today at the Omaha Press Club. It seems to be a summer tradition for us to be invited to eat here, guests of one of Troy's mom's friends. Check out the view below - you can see the Qwest Center, the Missouri River and the pedestrian bridge that spans the river. Julia liked looking at the cars and buses.
Posted by V at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Diving Board
While frequenting the pools in Nebraska, Evelyn has been getting up the nerve to jump off the diving board. Sunday and Monday she confidently jumped from the side of the pool into 10-foot-deep water, which is just one step away from going off the board. She is a really good swimmer, and she can tread water, so all signs pointed to Evelyn being ready to take the plunge.
This afternoon we headed over to a city pool where we know a couple of the lifeguards, so one of them was able to help catch Evelyn. The first two times Evelyn went off the board today, I pushed her. There was no other way to get her to go off, and thankfully she didn't flip out. The next four or five times Evelyn jumped off on her own, and the lifeguard didn't have to catch her, she only helped steer her toward the ladder.
Once Evelyn jumped off the diving board completely on her own, there was no turning back. She jumped off the diving board for 45 minutes straight! I don't usually take my camera to the pool, but I wish I would have had it with me today to capture my brave little Peanut conquering the diving board!
Posted by V at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Little Golfers
This evening we teed off from the third tee box at the Fontenelle Hills golf course. This was Julia's first time on the golf course, and she had a grand ol' time:Evelyn is a veteran when it comes to this course, playing for the fourth time on this hole. Do you think her hickory iron will help get the ball alllllll the way to the green?

Posted by V at 10:21 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Gone Fishing
Evelyn went fishing with Uncle Matt this morning at Hansen Lake, near Plattsmouth, Nebraska. When I asked Evelyn how many fish she caught, she couldn't tell me. She caught too many fish to remember the number! But she did remember the four different kinds of fish she caught - blue gill (pictured below), catfish, drum and bass. Not too shabby for an hour and a half of fishing!
Posted by V at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Evelyn's Hair Donation
Today was the day! Evelyn has been wanting to donate her hair for almost a year, and it was finally long enough to do so. We headed over to John Edwards' Salon for the appointment with Evelyn's stylist. We decided to go with Pantene Beautiful Lengths for the hair donation, which requires hair to be at least eight inches long.
First, Evelyn's hair was braided into two sections.Then, each braided pigtail was cut.
Evelyn couldn't resist swishing her hair after nine inches were cut off.
Posted by V at 2:32 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
Old Stomping Grounds
This afternoon, on our drive from Holdrege to Bellevue, we stopped in Lincoln. Our main destination was the Nebraska Bookstore so we could stock up on some Husker shirts. We had fun in the store, letting the girls try on different hats. Here's Julia with a monster cowboy hat - when she put it on, it fell right over her head and landed on her shoulders. Evelyn looks all decked out and ready for a Husker football game with a corn head and foamy finger. We didn't buy any of these humungous souvenirs, but it was fun to play.
Posted by V at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Farm Fun
We went out to Aunt Leann's and Uncle Tim's farm this evening, and the girls had SO much fun. There are eight-week-old kittens out there, and Evelyn was completely smitten by them. The only time she wasn't playing with the kittens was when we forced her to come inside to eat supper. Would you believe she passed up chocolate cake so she could have more time to play with the kittens?! Whereas Evelyn was very gentle when handling the kittens, Julia was quite the opposite. Shortly after I took this picture, Julia cuddled the gray kitten to her chest and then dropped it on the ground - ouch!

Posted by V at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Zoo Time!
If you have ever been to Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo, you know how enormous it is. We girls headed to the zoo this morning and got there right when it opened at 9:00. We knew we could only stay until lunch, which allowed us three hours. Evelyn's priorities were the Desert Dome and the cats. Since those two exhibits are fairly close to each other, Evelyn's agenda was very do-able.
We trekked through the Desert Dome first, checking out all the critters and creatures. Here's a picture of Julia, trying to be brave to get a close-up view of a bird. Next, we headed over to the cats. Evelyn loved looking at the tigers, lions, fishing cats, jaguars and pumas. Big or small, wild or tame, cats are Evelyn's favorite animals.

Posted by V at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Guess Where . . . ?
Guess where Evelyn lost her second tooth? At the Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C. Last night, as we were waiting to board our plane to Nebraska, the girls were snacking on a muffin. Evelyn stopped for a moment to ask me if her tooth was bleeding. I confirmed that yes, her tooth was bleeding. The next thing I knew, Evelyn bent her head over her hand and out fell her tooth! She was so excited - she kept saying, "I've never lost my tooth in an airport before!"
Posted by V at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
Lake House 4th of July
This year we headed to our friends' lake house near Solomons, Maryland, for the 4th of July. Solomons is on the west side of the Chesapeake Bay, and the lake house was just a 5-minute canoe ride (or 10-minute walk) to the beach.
Evelyn went on two canoe rides, and she was fortunate to see bald eagles soaring along the coastline both times. She had a lot of fun at the beach . . . until a jellyfish stung her. Aside from the nasty stinging that lasted several minutes, she was fine. Julia headed over to the beach after her nap, but she was too drowsy for any swimming. She just wanted to check out the water while staying on land.
Posted by V at 7:01 PM 0 comments