We girls dined atop the First National Bank of Omaha building for lunch today at the Omaha Press Club. It seems to be a summer tradition for us to be invited to eat here, guests of one of Troy's mom's friends. Check out the view below - you can see the Qwest Center, the Missouri River and the pedestrian bridge that spans the river. Julia liked looking at the cars and buses.

The crowd at lunch-time usually consists of businessmen in suits and ties, so I always have the
highest expectations for the girls' table manners when we eat here. Today one of Omaha's former mayors, Hal Daub, was a the table right next to us. You can bet I made sure the girls were on their best behavior all throughout the meal, and they did a great job. After lunch, while we were in the lobby waiting for the elevator, Julia tried going in the elevator with Mayor Hal Daub. In order to help distract her, he started talking in a Donald Duck voice, which also got Evelyn's attention. What a fun way to end the afternoon!
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