Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Annapolis Field Trip

I chaperoned the 3rd-graders from Evelyn's school on their field trip to Annapolis today.  First on the agenda?  Riding on the chartered bus, watching a movie.
 Once we got to Annapolis, we were met by a tour guide.  Our guide spent two hours with us, leading us on a whirlwind, two-hour trip.
 We first went inside the Maryland State House (also knowns as the capital building).  We were shown all sorts of artifacts and rooms.  But our guide spoke so quietly, I'm not quite sure what, exactly, we were looking at.
 After walking through the inside of the State House, we headed outside to look at more artifacts.  (Again, the tour guide was so quiet, I couldn't hear most of what she was saying, so I don't know much about what we saw.)
 After seeing the State House, we headed northeast down Maryland Avenue.  The buildings were so old and quaint, it was fun looking at the architecture.  At this point, our guide was moving so quickly, it was hard to keep up with her, let alone hear what she was talking about.
 Our super-speedy tour ended at the Naval Academy.  We did a lot of walking through the academy's grounds...but I can't say that we learned much about it.  Before we knew it, it was time for lunch down by the Marketplace Bay.  The weather was gorgeous for the field trip, and the kids had fun.  I just wish we would have learned a little more history.