Sunday, July 7, 2013

Author's Tea

And now, the real reason we came to Sackets Harbor this weekend...the author's tea with Kathleen Ernst!  The girls (and their dolls) put on their tea party finery, and we headed over to the state historic site, where the tea party was set up under a tent.
 First on the agenda was the author's speech.  Evelyn and I enjoyed hearing about how she was asked by the American Girl company to develop a character who lived during the War of 1812 - what an honor!  Kathleen Ernst chose Sackets Harbor because it played a very important role on the Great Lakes during that war.  I must say, I learned a lot by reading her historical fiction books.
 After Ms. Ernst spoke, everyone was served beverages.  Naturally, Julia and Evelyn chose lemonade.  We do not own the "real" Caroline doll - her hair is too high-maintenance for me - but our miniature Caroline thoroughly enjoyed this morning's tea party.
 Each table was called to the buffet line for refreshments.  Evelyn enjoyed the little finger foods and couldn't wait to go back for seconds.
 Here's a shot of the spread, including the table setting -
 The icing on the cake was the girls getting to meet Kathleen Ernst and talk to her.  Evelyn was one of just a handful of girls who had read all seven Caroline books, and she and the author talked about their favorite parts in the different books.
Kathleen Ernst personalized her autograph in each book.  Evelyn's favorites were: "It was lovely to meet you in Sackets Harbor!" and "To Evelyn - Who loves history as much as I do!"  Visiting Sackets Harbor this weekend, and bringing historical fiction books to life, was very special to the girls.  I know it's something Evelyn will never forget.