This weekend, we Lusters hosted Flat Stanley for one of Letty's sons. Flat Stanley is a small paper doll who travels the country and/or the world, and then he reports back to his original owner with the details of his trip. We wanted to show Flat Stanley something in Washington, D.C., plus we wanted to visit a museum we haven't been to yet. The solution? The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. Here is Julia, holding Flat Stanley, in front of the Missile Pit.

No, Evelyn isn't doing ballet moves here. She is floating away (!) in front of the lunar module.

I had heard good things about the IMAX movie, "Hubble 3D." Three of us really enjoyed it. The fourth - youngest - member of the family thought some parts were a little too scary, and I ended up holding Julia for the last 20 minutes of the show. So, I guess my critique would be . . . it's a great movie for ages 6 and up.

After checking out the space exploration exhibits and watching the IMAX movie, we spent a good amount of time in the Wright Brothers room. We enjoyed reading about the Wright brothers, since the room is set up in chronological order, centered around the (original!) 1903 Wright Flyer. Evelyn is still captivated by Wilbur and Orville Wright, and she really enjoyed seeing new artifacts - such as Wilbur's high school report card and replicas of the brothers' first gliders - and reading about the creative thinking that led to the invention of the airplane.

The only reason we didn't stay to see every single thing in the museum (which one could do in one day) is the girls ran out of gas. Troy and I are already planning our next trip to the Air and Space Museum, which will include taking in a planetarium show.
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