The girls requested a joint birthday luncheon at the American Girl store. That's a fairly easy request to fulfill - we live about half an hour away from the Boston location, and with the girls' birthdays being 16 days apart, we picked a weekend in between their special days . . . today! The girls dressed their dolls like themselves (or is it the other way around?), and we were ready to celebrate.

As is standard in any American Girl Bistro, lunch comes with a soft drink, an appetizer and an entree. Evelyn started her meal with a Shirley Temple (her favorite restaurant drink) and french fries. Julia opted for chocolate milk and fruit kabobs.
The girls ordered the same entree - chicken fingers with macaroni and cheese. Their entrees also came with fruit kabobs. Julia and Evelyn shared their lunches with Kit and Rebecca (their dolls), and were so happy to find that the dolls enjoyed eating their lunch, too.When I made the lunch reservations several weeks ago, I requested the birthday package. That means, in addition to the regular lunch fare, the girls and their dolls get paper crowns . . . and they get a birthday cake with candles! So exciting, and exactly what Julia and Evelyn were hoping for.
The cake was absolutely delicious, as was the ice cream. Everyone had a fun time celebrating Julia's and Evelyn's birthdays - I think even Troy enjoyed himself in the land of pink.
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